Be made perfect by becoming one with Him

Becoming One with Christ – Being Made Perfect

“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” (John 17:22-23, emphasis added)

Be made perfect by becoming one with HimI am not perfect, yet. I must be cleansed and made perfect before I can enter the Kingdom of God. How does this happen?

Imagine a beautiful sparkling lake, high in the mountains. The water is blue in the bright sunlight, and so clean and pure that the bottom is clearly visible. There is a crystal clear mountain stream feeding the lake. The stream tumbles over rocks and falls as it rushes to the lake. Imagine one drop of muddy water falls into the stream. As it travels with the fresh spring water, the impurities fall to the bottom and the drop merges completely with the stream. It enters the lake pure and clean.

The lake is the Kingdom of God. The stream is the Lord Jesus Christ. The spring is the love of God. I am the drop of water. As I give my life to the Lord, turning my will over to Him and seeking His will in each moment, I become one with Him. My impurities fall away. I am absorbed and cleaned by His purity. Together we tumble through life over rocks and falls, side by side. When I am one with Him, He can use me to nourish and nurture the plant and animal life in and along the banks of the stream.

This can only happen if I choose to lose myself in Him. If I remain separate, holding on to my will, I remain imperfect.

Turn to Him

When I find myself stressed and unsure, rather than seeking for my own answer and approach, I turn to Him. I ask for His guidance. I make the best choice I can in the moment and wait patiently for His direction to be revealed to me. Most problems do not require immediate action. Many times, as I pause and take a breath, the problem resolves itself. If not, I am always grateful that I took time to turn to the Lord, discern His will, and embrace it.

I choose to lose myself and become one with Him so that I may be made perfect.

  • When you are stressed and unsure, what do you usually do?
  • How can you train yourself to turn to Him and embrace His will in each moment, rather than relying on the “arm of flesh?”

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Related Posts: Practicing Instinctively Turning to the Lord, Step 2: Hope – No One is Too Broken for Christ to Fix, Ten Rewards for Embracing God’s Will


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